These are some 3D work samples. All were created with Blender, Blend4Web, and Blender Game Engine.
Clients | Projects | Years
Various Clients | Various Projects | 2011 – 2023
➝ 360° Video
➝ Facebook AR (Spark)
➝ 3D Modeling & Animation

Jung von Matt
Digital Greeting Card
360° Video

Jung von Matt
Mini – Spark AR Filter
Oktoberfest Invitation

Stories within Architecture
Deutsches Gartenbaumuseum – Room Concept

Based on a concept by ‘Fabian Seyde’
Nur Baute
Infineon – Trade Fair Pitch

Object recognition

Pepper’s ghost
Jung von Matt
Sparkasse Kreditpartner – Alphabet
3D Letters
These models are based on illustrations. All 26 letters are modeled in 3D to achieve a more modern touch and are integrated into a Web GL gallery website (WIP).

Student Project
International Festival for Motion Pictures
Cubic Microcosm
This 3D animation was created as part of a student project. Pictures of a real built world are mapped onto a cube. Each scene features an element and a season.