Website Preloader
Website Preloader


‘Scape® X’ is a new product line from ‘Interactive Scape’. Transparent objects interact with an intelligent display. The three-dimensional ‘X’ visualises that there is more to it than meets the eye (AI). The triangles take up the aspect of light refraction (prism). Various assets were designed for the product launch.

Interactive Scape

Client | Project | Year
Internal Project | Scape® X Launch | 2020

➝ Visual Concept / Branding
➝ Graphic & Web Design
➝ Motion Graphics
➝ Trade Fair Concept

Product Renderings by ‘Victor Nastasa’

iMc-Mockup mit transparentem Token und bunten Dreiecken

Key Visual

Key-Vsiual mit Text und einem 3D-X mit bunten Dreiecken
Scape X Messe-Flyer mit bunten Dreiecken


Interactive Scape Website Layout
Interactive Scape Website Slide mit Text und transparentem Objekt
Interactive Scape Website Slide mit Text und transparentem Objekt

Product Images

Scape X Shape Product-Rendering mit bunten Dreiecken
Scape X Invisible Product-Rendering mit bunten Dreiecken
Scape X Packaging Mockup

Trade Fair Concept

Interactive Scape Website Slide mit Text und transparentem Objekt

Teaser Styleframes